(+34) 615 18 50 77
Small Remote Controller.
Of the XLRS series of Remote Controllers, XPAD1 is the smallest, lightest and very compact, designed with the latest XLRS system technology, its small size is ideal for short and medium range operations, 1.5″ TFT IPS color screen that shows information about the radio and the system in general, Mavlink / Data Link telemetry communication Transparent via USB (PC) or Wifi (Android, PC or similar devices) to connect with route software such as Mission Planner, QGroundControl or similar, duration of up to 10 hours.
CANBUS Converter.
Serves to facilitate communication between devices in a CAN (Controller Area Network). This technology is widely used in automotive, drones, and industrial systems.
Switcher for 8 analog PAL video cameras.
It can switch up to 8 cameras and control up to 16 servos, and can be used as an RC channel extender.
Integration XLRS system
Integration XLRS redudant system in UGV
XLRS system integration (RXLRS Receiver RC /Telemetry + XOSD3B Analog Video Transmitter + RunCAM Camera + Orange Cube Autopilot) + (XPAD3V2 Remote Controller with FPV Monitor) in a customized UGV for a client.
Integration XLRS system
Integration XLRS redudant system in VTOL
XLRS redundant system integration (x2 RXLRS Receivers RC/Telemetry (868Mhz + 433Mhz) + x2 XOSD3B Analog Video Transmitters (1.2Ghz + 2.4Ghz) + RunCAM Camera + Orange Cube Autopilot) + (Ground Control Station D4 with SMRBTS Smart Redundant Antenna) in a VTOL for a client.
Integration XLRS system
Integration XLRS system in Hexacopter
XLRS system integration (RXLRS Receiver RC /Telemetry + XOSD3B Analog Video Transmitter + RunCAM Camera + Orange Cube Autopilot) + (Ground Control Station D4) in a customized hexacopter for a client.
Custom Ground Control Station D4 V2 DUAL
Prepared for a pilot for professional long range applications up to 200Km (LOS) with Radio Control / Telemetry and up to 100km (LOS) with analog video, GCSD4V2 control panel with integrated PC, Bluetooth keyboard and two screens to view the video and map in real time.
Tripod and Reiforced anchord for GCSD4
New accesory for your GCSD4.
With this accessory you no longer need to use a cumbersome and heavy side table to place your GCSD4.
Now with the CGS_MTRI accessory you can directly attach the sturdy tripod together with your GCSD4, the installation is very simple plug & play, attach the tripod to your GCSD4 and ready to work!
You can see a video of the tripod and the GCSD4 here: GCSD4V2, Professional Portable Ground Control Station with Tripod.
TRIP270 (Update)
Tripod for antennas + Transport Bag
New T-Bar to place the RC and Video antennas we need in any position, easy installation.
Now you can add more antennas without the need to add rivets since with the new bar we can add several special nuts that are easily installed to be able to place and position the antennas in the place we need on the tripod,
in this way we can add different types of antenna and achieve a custom configuration for our application.
Ground Control Station D4 V2 DUAL
Prepared for pilot and copilot for professional applications of short and long range (LOS) up to 200Km, where two operators are needed working on the same RC vehicle.
Pilot control panel: For vehicle control and visualization of the main video camera.
Copilot control panel: Control gimbal or other special functions, map and video.
FPV Analog Video System, Version 2
Professional analog video system prepared for all types of applications FPV to work between 25-40Km (LOS) with antennas included on each video system, or 100km with high gain parabolic antennas.
As a novelty in the new RXVID3 V2 video receiver, now the video receiver modules for diversity mode can work individually, which means that a single frequency can be used in the two RX modules (1.2Ghz, 2.4Ghz or 5.8Ghz) or each module in a different frequency (1.2Ghz-2.4Ghz / 1.2Ghz-5.8Ghz / 2.4Ghz-5.8Ghz) to have a video redundant system and working in diversity mode, with which the system will automatically select the RX with the highest signal.
A new screen a little bigger than the previous one and with color to clearly show each data of the video system, (Video signal level, Video channel RX1, Video channel RX2, Video channel TX1, battery level, alarms…).
Data Sheet: XVID3V2_Datasheet_01.pdf.
XPAD2 V3 (Custom)
New Custom Box Color
New color dark olive green, military type, this color can also be used on any XLRS Transmitter (DL1, BTSD11, XPAD2 or
XPAD3), we also have other colors available (White, Blue, Red, Gray, Light Green…).
For manufacturers or integrators we can make different styles of colors in the XLRS devices to adapt them to the color of your vehicle or company logo.
XVID3B Redundant mode
New XLRS Radios
New RXVID3B-5G8 video receiver in redundant mode, this receiver allows to obtain the video signal from two 5.8Ghz transmitters on different channels.
An example application is to have two XVID3B video systems at different frequencies 1.2Ghz and 2.4Ghz, in the drone you will use a video camera that will have the video signal connected to the two XOSD3B (Video Transmitter) modules, then on the ground two RXVID3B (1.2Ghz and 2.4Ghz) will have the internal 5.8Ghz video transmitter configured on a different channel and will send the video signal to each video receiver module of the RXVID3B-5G8 (Redundant) in this way if one of the two video systems fail or have a poor signal, the diversity 5.8Ghz system will display the video with the best signal quality.
XLRS Radio 313-315Mhz
New XLRS Radios
XLRS radio modules now in the 313-315Mhz frequency, with 500mW (+27dBm) of RF power and -108dBm of sensitivity.
Minimalist Design, Remote Controller, 3rd generation
Professional Radio Control and Telemetry system with minimalist design prepared for all types of applications FPV with 500mW RF Power and -110dBm of sensitivity to work between 15-30Km (LOS) and with a maximum range of 100km.
We have updated the product orientation, before the XPAD2 had many variants and one of the main objectives was the long range of the radio system with configurations to reach up to 100km.
Data Sheet: XLRSD2V3_Datasheet_01.pdf.
Analog Video System, Version 3B
Professional analog video system prepared for all types of applications FPV to work between 25-40Km (LOS) with antennas included on each video system, or 100km with high gain parabolic antennas.
Three new analog video systems of the “XVID3B” series with frequencies to choose: 1.2Ghz, 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz, with 1W of power RF.
Data Sheets: (2.4Ghz) XVID3B-2G4_Datasheet_01.pdf | (1.2Ghz) XVID3B-1G2_Datasheet_02.pdf | (5.8Ghz) XVID3B-5G8_Datasheet_01.pdf
Tripod for antennas
New tripod with T-Bar which is specifically adapted to place several types of RC and Video antennas quickly, ready to install (Plug & Play).
Robust & Professional Remote Control. 2rd generation
Professional Radio Control and Telemetry system with personality and robust design prepared for all types of applications UAV-FPV to work between 25-50Km (LOS) and with a maximum range of 200km.
We have updated the product orientation to portable use, we have improved the structure of the XPAD3V2 remote controller box, now it has integrated an accessory to place a 7” FPV monitor or a smartphone to visualize the video of the vehicle and a new suitcase to transport the entire system of Safe way and ready to get up and running quickly…
Data Sheet: XLRSD3V2_Datasheet_01.pdf
Analog video system V3
New version of XVID video system (XVID3), new analog video receiver more sensitive 10dBm than previous versions: RXVID, RXVID2 and new 2.4Ghz video transmiter XOSD3W1 with 1W of power.
Data Sheet: XVID3_Datasheet_01.pdf
Ground Control Station D4 V2 with Redundant Smart antenna
GCSD4RRV2 + SMRBTS, New Version V2 of Ground Control Station D4 with external radio in new Redundant Smart Antenna (SMRBTS) with ethernet cable connection.
Data Sheet: GCSD4RRV2_Datasheet_01.pdf
Ground Control Station D4 V2 with Smart antenna
GCSD4RSV2 + SMBTS, New Version V2 of Ground Control Station D4 with external radio in new Smart Antenna (SMBTS) with ethernet cable connection.
Data Sheet: GCSD4RSV2_Datasheet_03.pdf
Ground Control Station D4 V2.
GCSD4V2, New Version V2 of Ground Control Station D4 with integrated XLRS radio.
Data Sheet: GCSD4V2_Datasheet_04.pdf.
Remote Control Panel
XPAD4-CP, New Professional Remote Control Panel RC, ideal for integration in fixed or portable professional base stations.
Moxon Rectangle Antenna
MX433, Moxon Rectangle Antenna 400-480Mhz, 5.5dBi.
Biquad Antenna
BQ89. New Biquad Antenna 866-920Mhz, 9-10dBi.
Improvement and evolution of the DMDStudio, software for control and configuration of XLRS systems.
XLRS D2 & D3
XLRS Transmistters
Multiple hardware improvements now more robust internally and externally and firmware evolution with bluetooth activation in XPAD2 and XPAD3 systems.
Data Sheet: XPAD3_Datasheet_02.pdf
Data Sheet: XPAD2V2_Datasheet.pdf
Video Booster
Design and production of the new Video Booster from 4W to 2.4Ghz, now you can have a good video range.
Professional Receiver RC & Telemetry
New and more robust RXLRS Receiver, replaces all previous receivers (RMD1, RXD2, RXD3).
Data Sheet: RXLRS_Datasheet_02.pdf.
Analog video system V2
New Hardware XOSDV2 and hardware upgrade RXVID2 Video receiver.
Data Sheet: XOSDV2_Datasheet_02.pdf.
Data Sheet: RXVID2-1C_Datasheet.pdf.
Ground Control Station D4 V1
New Ground Control Station D4, the new jewel in the crown…
Data Sheet: GCSD4_V1_Datasheet.pdf.
The first versions of the long-range RC / Telemetry systems (Without integrated video receiver) XLRS D1, D2, D3 and XVID video system are manufactured.
Support piece for XLRS transmitter, Antenna and FPV monitor
Accessory, aluminum support to place antennas and FPV monitor on XLRS transmitters, there were two models, one for 1 directional antenna (RC) + FPV monitor and a larger one to place two directional antennas (RC and Video) + FPV monitor.
Video Receiver RXVIDXP V1 for XLRS Transmistter
RXVIDXP V1 video receiver which was placed on the back of the XLRS D2 and D3 transmitters, to obtain a portable systems, it communicated through RCBUS and from the XPAD transmitter you could access the receiver menu to change some video parameters.
The RXVIDXP had a built-in 5.8Ghz video transmitter and sent the video to the FPV monitor, it also had the option of connecting the video with cable to use other monitors.
Analog Video System V1
First version of the XVID video system in 2.4Ghz. RXVID receiver with two modules in diversity mode and integrated video transmitter in 5.8Ghz (Integrated antenna) and XOSD video transmitter with 500mW of power.
Maximum ranges between 80-100Km using 2.4Ghz 24dBi parabolic antenna.
XLRS Licenses
The XLRS systems had licenses, they were software codes to be able to add more functions in the system, you could acquire the most basic system and later by adding a code in the device you could increase the technical characteristics (More range, search system, AES encryption…).
In this way you could have a cheap and very powerful system but use only the features that you needed for your application.
Transmitter XPAD2-2017 & receiver RXD2
First version of the XLRS D2 system, new minimalist design with methacrylate cover and aluminum parts for the XPAD2-2017 transmitter, it worked together with the RXD2 receiver, 866-960Mhz, 500mW and -110dBm.
Ranges between 25-100Km.
Data Sheet: XPAD2-2017_Datasheet.pdf
Data Sheet: RXD2_Datasheet.pdf
Transmitter BTSD1 & receiver RMD1
In new design and competitive XLRS_D1 radio modems for the drone or airplane (transparent protocol and Mavlink), convertible into a receiver by only acquiring the license compatible with XLRS systems.
Design of new XLRS_D1 USB radio modem for PC with scalable ranges and convertible in base station (BTSD1) with only acquire the license. Scalable ranges up to 200Km.
Data Sheet: XLRS_D1_Datasheet.pdf
We began to expand our network of distributors and business partners (RC vehicle manufacturers) around the world.
The LRS systems were upgraded to Version Two, changing the design.
We start to manufacture and commercialize the first XLRS_D2 systems (eXtended Long Range System D2) for professional use, integrating Radio Control and video into a single module. Range of Radio Control and Telemetry up to 180Km maximum.
New target market: Professionals and manufacturers.
In 2010 we started the design of XLRS_D2 with a new different TX, thought for UAV and FPV professional, The XPAD2 with range up to 180Km in three versions: With Joysticks (XPAD2-RCJOY), Without Joysticks (XPAD2) and with Minijoysticks type GamePad (XPAD2-MINIJOY).
The technology was updated with a new series of microcontrollers, we created the Alpha operating system and the ACL command language, making all DMD products compatible with the new technology.
It was a tremendous effort that we are proud of.
First XPAD D2 sketches.
XVOSD2 and D2 Receivers
New world amateur record with LRS system.
Improvement and redesign of the LRS product in general.
We are known in the forums AeromodelismoVirtual_LRS and RCGroups.
Design and commercialization OSD644.
On this date the systems are directed to the new amateurs of FPV.
LRS and XLRS systems history:
DMD started the manufacture and commercialization of products for radio Control and FPV in 2007, being pioneers with LRS (Long Range System) with real ranges of more than 50Km that nobody had at that time.
Packov, Tron and Juan Carlos in the flight field at the beginning of the FPV with the LRS system.
We were very successful and LRS kits were sold everywhere. The LRS acronyms became popular all over the world.
After several years improving versions of the LRS system, we had 150Km reaches.
The LRS system it was a range extension system that needed a standard TX Radio Control.
First OSD design: OSD168.
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