To select your XLRS product according to your needs and budget, you will need to know a little about what each product and its variants are and what they are for, and how to compose your final XLRS system.
This page will save you time to make the best choice.
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You can select the XLRS products from different points of view
The XLRS products can be purchased individually, it is not necessary to assemble a complete system.
For example, you can buy a GCSD5suitcase to connect it to your radio system or tracker from other brands.
You can also buy a SATPRO tracker, to connect it to your radio and video system from other brands.
Step by step selection:
1º Ground System: Data Link, portable transmitter or Ground Control System.
2º Radio system: Depending on the product, you will need an Data Link or external RF module such as WMX481 or it will already have it incorporated. If you need to increase safety or effective range of work, you may need a redundant system.
3º Select the Radio frequency band. Depending on the product it will not be necessary.
4º Video System: if you need video, the first decision is whether it is analog (1.2, 2.4 or 5.8Ghz) or full HD digital at 2.4Ghz (150Km max.).
5º Tracker antenna: If you want security, reach the maximum, use long-range digital video, you will need SATPRO.
Selection Ground System
1.-DL1 or BTSD1. Only radio link such as DL1 or radio link with RC (Radio control) and SPPM input, such as BTSD1.
They are the most economical equipment with working ranges of 15 to 30 km and a maximum range of 100 km.
3.-Ground Control System: We have a portable GCS in a suitcase such as GCSD1A, GCSD4 or GCSD5. They are more robust and for flights of greater range and duration.
GCS can be purchased loose and connected to any radio or video system.