Various technologies are described that can be employed in XLRS systems when the base station and UAV or drone antennas aren’t in NLOS line of sight.
In some cases, LOS can be used as a reinforcement or backup of the main radio link.
More information on technologies used in NLOS flights such as Repeaters, LTE, SATCOM, StarLink.
More information of Selection of XLRS Products from the point of view of the LOS-NLOS radio link.
[ps2id id=’LOS flights’ target=”/]XLRS repeaters for RF NLOS RT flights (real time)
You can now fly with real-time RC control and with minimal delay behind a mountain, buildings or very large obstacles… or simply increase or ensure coverage with fixed repeater installations at different geographic points.
For radio control and telemetry.
For digital video systems.
For analog video systems.
Portable, fixed or in-flight repeaters.
Made to order. Consult
These systems have a delay that does not allow to fly in real time as in direct radio control, but they allow flights or radio control of vehicles in areas where it could not be done otherwise.
If there is mobile phone coverage and the flights are NLOS, LTE technology can be a good choice.
LTE is interesting for drone networks in the city environment and a combination of XLRS+LTE may be suitable for city and out of town outings.
LTE, as a backup of the radio control system in some cases can be very interesting.
The LTE module needs a mobile phone SIM card and an LTE service provider in your country.
More info LTE..
[ps2id id=’SATCOMI’ target=”/]SATCOM
These systems have an important delay that does not allow to fly in real time, but they allow flights or radio control of vehicles in areas in which it could not be done in another way.
SATCOM is interesting to use on NLOS flights in remote areas without LTE coverage.
It is possible to use drone networks or swarms with SATCOM.
This service is pay per use.
As a backup of the radio control system in some cases it can be very interesting.
STARLINK. It is currently a good option for the interconnection of fixed ground systems (XLRS repeaters) in places where there is no fiber or cable internet access.
XLRS systems such as SATPRO, GCSD4, GCSD5, WMX481 already have Ethernet and can be controlled remotely via the Internet.
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Note: This information is preliminary and there may be changes when the equipment goes into production in 2022.
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